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Users of Accounting Information Internal & External Users

an external user of accounting information

Three primary users of accounting information were previously identified, Internal users, External users, and Government/ IRS. Each group uses accounting information differently, and requires the information to be presented differently. Financial accounting is the process of the preparation of financial reports of the enterprise for use by both internal and external parties.

Preparing and monitoring budgets effectively requires reliable accounting data relating to the various activities, processes, products, services, segments and departments of the business. The articles and research support materials available on this site are educational and are not intended to be investment or tax advice. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly. Accountants provide information that helps government departments conduct their watchdog functions over business units.


External users also use the historical pattern of an organization’s financial performance as a predictive tool. For example, when deciding whether to loan money to an organization, a bank may require a certain number of years of financial statements and other financial information from the organization. The bank will assess the historical performance in order to make an informed decision about the organization’s ability to repay the loan and interest (the cost of borrowing money). Similarly, a potential investor may look at a business’s past financial performance in order to assess whether or not to invest money in the company. In this scenario, the investor wants to know if the organization will provide a sufficient and consistent return on the investment. In these scenarios, the financial information provides value to the process of allocating scarce resources (money).

Do you own a business?

an external user of accounting information

Accountants can, with a fair amount of confidence, accurately report the financial performance of the organization related to past activities. The feedback value offered by the accounting information is particularly useful to internal users. That is, reviewing how the organization performed in the past can help managers and other employees present value annuity factor make better decisions about and adjustments to future activities.

Creditors and Investors are the most regular example of external users among many other external users. External users are those individuals who take an interest in an organization’s account information but are not part of the organization’s administrative process. Comparability enables users to identify the real similarities and differences in economic phenomena because these differences and similarities have not been obscured by the use of non-comparable accounting methods. Comparability allows users to identify similarities and differences in economic phenomena, as these differences and similarities should not be obscured by non-comparable accounting methods. Management – Organization’s internal management includes all junior and senior business managers.

Bookkeeping is a part of accounting that solely involves recording economic events. Customers – Are buyers of goods or services and may exist at any stage of a business cycle. Owners/Partners – Owners are the legal stakeholders of the business and the ultimate signing authority.

An investor is interested in knowing about the financial position of the business. For example, a creditor has no way of knowing what the profits and liquidity of a small closely held corporation are. Banks and lenders are dependent on the information that is in the financial statements and other financial documents that the company provides during a loan application. There are other external users, for example, labor unions, customers and consumers, suppliers, SEC, tax authorities, chamber of commerce, press, competitors, auditors, etc. External users (secondary users) – If a user of the information is an external party and is not related to the business then he/she is considered as one of the external or secondary users of accounting information.

Non-Profit Organizations

Labor union negotiators want to see a firm’s financial statements in order to arrive at negotiating positions regarding the compensation and benefits of the employees that they represent. External auditors examine the financial statements and the underlying accounting record of businesses in order to form an audit opinion. Government ensures that a company’s disclosure of accounting information is in accordance with the regulations that are in place to protect the interest of various stakeholders who rely on such information in forming their decisions. Just like lenders, suppliers need accounting information to assess the credit-worthiness of its customers before offering goods and services on credit. Investors primarily rely on the financial statements published by companies to assess the profitability, valuation and risk of their investment. Accountants use their knowledge and training to provide relevant, accurate, detailed, and timely accounting information that is useful for many types of decision-making.

Get in Touch With a Financial Advisor

Since external users have no first hand knowledge of a company’s financial position or plans for the future, they are dependent on the financial information that is provided to them by the company. External users are creditors, investors, government, trading partners, regulatory agencies, international standardization agencies, journalists and internal users are owners, directors, managers, and employees of the company. Accountants often use computerized accounting systems to record and summarize the financial reports, which offer many benefits.

Also, being familiar with a common software package such as QuickBooks helps provide employment mobility when workers wish to reenter the job market. The financial reports or information resulting from the accounting process that is transferred to the users in two forms-internal and external. The branch of accounting which deals with internal users is called management accounting. Suppliers who are being asked by the firm to supply credit will likely want to delve into the company’s financial statements and historical payment patterns in order to arrive at a maximum amount of allowable credit. Investors want to examine the historical financial results of a business, while also delving into management’s best estimates for the future prospects of the organization. These information needs come from a firm’s financial statements, perusal of any forecasts released by the business, discussions with industry analysts, and so forth.

  1. This book may not be used in the training of large language models or otherwise be ingested into large language models or generative AI offerings without OpenStax’s permission.
  2. Our writing and editorial staff are a team of experts holding advanced financial designations and have written for most major financial media publications.
  3. If the financial statements are misleading or confusing to external users, the auditors must report these findings to the public by issuing something other than an unqualified opinion.
  4. Since the information often includes strategic or competitive decisions, managerial accounting information is often closely protected.


In recent years, the increase in number of shares and share options schemes for employees particularly in startups has fostered a greater level of interest in accounting information by employees. Someone on our team will connect you with a financial professional in our network holding the correct designation and expertise. This team of experts helps Finance Strategists maintain the highest level of accuracy and professionalism possible. At Finance Strategists, we partner with financial experts to ensure the accuracy of our financial content. The accounting information provides information necessary for making changes to the existing laws at the right moment for the economy and society’s betterment. Financial information is vital for government regulatory agencies as it allows them to monitor the economy and market.

An outcome of this examination can be a change in the amount of credit extended to a business. For the employees operating in the finance department, using accounting information is usually part of their job description. This includes for example preparing and reviewing various financial reports such as financial statements. Employees are interested in accounting information because their salary appraisals, bonuses, and other monetary and non-monetary benefits are attached to the company’s financial position. The accounting process provides financial data for a broad range of individuals whose objectives in studying debt to total assets ratio financial accounting the data vary widely.

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