Taylor Healthcare Blog

Payroll Taxes for Remote Employees in the US: What You Should Know

As companies and their workers tackle telecommuting’s evolving tax implications, Klein advocates an awareness of all relevant state rules on remote work. Workers tended to live in the same state where their employers were located, meaning they only had to deal with one set of state taxes. Mark Klein, partner and chairman of the New … Read morePayroll Taxes for Remote Employees in the US: What You Should Know

How Do Taxes Work if You Work Remotely: A Guide to Navigating Your Taxes

If your home state does not require income taxes, you will only need to file a tax return to the state listed on your W-2. If the state listed on your W-2 is the same as your home state or is one of the other states with no income tax, you will not have to … Read moreHow Do Taxes Work if You Work Remotely: A Guide to Navigating Your Taxes